The conversations of life

[Video] Make ’em laugh!


Entertainment with real talent!  Since we are remembering great moments in musical cinema history (see our story on Dick Van Dyke’s new book on ageing well and learn a little known fact about Donald O’Connor), here’s a little indulgence from one of the most popular Hollywood musicals of all time – MGM’s Singing in the Rain (1952).  Donald O’Connor’s performance of ‘Make ’em laugh‘ has been reproduced many times in the intervening 63 years, most recently in the hit 3D animated children’s film of 2015, Minions.

Frank and Earnest love to have conversations about the things that matter in life to most people but especially to those of us with a few years behind us. We start some conversations, we pick up others, we share stories and ideas and try to stimulate thinking.

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