The conversations of life

The foods that may slow and reverse brain ageing


With one in six people in the world forecast to be aged 65 years or over in 2050, more and more research is being put into slowing down and reversing the ageing process.

A study from the APC Microbiome Ireland at University College Cork, a leading research centre into gut health, shows for the first time how we might be able to slow and even reverse brain ageing by improving levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

“Epidemiological studies have previously shown us that healthy brain ageing is associated with certain types of diet, but nobody had figured out what was making that happen,” says APC Microbiome Ireland neuroscientist Professor John Cryan.

What people should eat?

  • asparagus, artichokes, leeks, chicory and bananas
  • fermented foods including kombucha, kimchi (pictured right) and sauerkraut
  • drink good quality kefir (pictured above), the fermented milk drink, daily after a meal
  • eat artisanal cheese – most cheese varieties are fermented
  • eat leafy green vegetables daily

    Prof Cryan urges people to cut out processed food, stating it has an “evil” effect on gut bacteria. 

    “In addition, you should minimise antibiotic consumption and try to avoid missing out on sleep as those are also unhealthy for the state of our microbiome.”

    And avoid reading the next story then.

With a background in nursing, Annie has spent over 20 years working in the health industry, including the coordination of medical support for international TV productions and major stadium events, plus education campaigns with a number of national health organisations. In recent years, she has also taken time out of the workforce to be a full-time carer, giving her first-hand experience of the challenges and rewards of this role.

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