South Australia’s Barunga Village named Australia’s first provider of pioneering dementia care program
The Port Broughton-based village is now an accredited provider for the internationally-recognised Butterfly Household Model…More
The Port Broughton-based village is now an accredited provider for the internationally-recognised Butterfly Household Model…More
Based on international ‘dementia villages’ including the well-known De Hogeweyk village in the Netherlands, the…More
A University of Toronto study has discovered that we may be designed to forget old…More
It’s in the name of a good cause too. The pop-up restaurant in Tokyo –…More
The organisation is calling for people with dementia to be included if assisted dying laws…More
The toolkit is aimed at carers looking after people with YOD both at home and…More
Men over 65 are also more likely to be caring for a partner with dementia…More
The much-lauded American ‘Music & Memory’ program that can soothe the anxiety of people with…More
The Not for Profit has launched an in-home Dementia Advisory Service in south Melbourne for…More
Salvation Army Aged Care Plus is rolling out a new program that has seen a…More