The conversations of life

Retirement villages shaping up as a potential solution for older Australians, based on Royal Commission recommendations


If you’re not looking forward to spending time with the in-laws over Christmas, spare a thought for the Royal Commissioners.

There won’t be too much time for Christmas cheer as they’ll be busy preparing their Final Report, due 26 February 2021.

I’ve been reading the 475-page document which details the Counsel Assisting’s final submissions to the Commissioners. It’s a lengthy document, but there are some great nuggets of information.

Particularly exciting to me are the recommendations detailed from pages 271 to 275, which put retirement villages in the box seat to help older Australians.

The report states:

“Across Australia, there is a need to improve access to accommodation in which people can grow older and, as necessary, receive aged care services.”

“More investment in and construction of well-designed, age-appropriate social and affordable housing is required. It will help to prevent people having to move into residential aged care prematurely…”

Well-designed, age-appropriate, social and affordable housing?

Sounds like retirement villages to me.

Chris Baynes is a columnist and publisher of Frank & Earnest. He is also the publisher of, the leading national directory of retirement villages and aged care services in Australia.

Discussion1 Comment

  1. Not too sure about this model- looks logical & rational if not efficient, but how does it look from a consumer’s eyes – the concept of independent retirees sharing their lives with dependant retirees can, from my experience, lead to an uncomfortable sense & reality for the former group that they are constantly reminded of their future

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