The conversations of life

Potential retirement village residents see things differently to people who’ve just moved in


Ask a new resident about retirement villages and odds are they’ll say something quite different to someone who’s still shopping around.

Our sister company DCM Research recently commissioned Australian Online Research (AOR) to survey new residents, potential residents and those still considering.

And the difference in mindset we’ve observed is telling.

Take a look at the chart below:

New residents will typically use positive expressions when speaking about retirement villages. Words like, “modern”, “exciting”, “social” and “flexible” really stand out.

The below quote from one of AOR’s case studies brings this to life:

“We haven’t been here long, but I know we (residents) will look after each other; maybe it’s the age, maybe it’s just the sort of people that a place like this attracts, but it’s not just the staff that provide support – it’s the residents. It’s a feeling that we have missed for years and feels quite special.”

Couple, New Residents, 70s

Compare this to the language used by potential residents and the difference couldn’t be starker.

Take a look at this second chart:

Potential residents are typically using more negative expressions like “expensive”, “old-fashioned”, “boring” and “isolating”.

AOR sums this up best in their research:

“New residents have perceptions grounded in recent knowledge and recent experience, while potential residents base their feelings on assumptions and in most cases very little direct or recent experience or research,” AOR writes.

The message?

If you’re looking at potentially moving into a retirement village, you need to actually see what the village is like. Take a tour, speak to existing residents and do your research – you may find that those negative assumptions are far from the reality.

You can find out more retirement living at here.

Chris Baynes is a columnist and publisher of Frank & Earnest. He is also the publisher of, the leading national directory of retirement villages and aged care services in Australia.

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