The conversations of life

Only in America: Trump’s staff deliberately putting mistakes in ghost-written Tweets – to make them look more authentic


The US President has long been criticised for his poor grammar – now the Boston Globe has revealed West Wing staffers are intentionally inserting errors into messages on his Twitter account to copy his style.

Two sources have told the paper that aides often present the President with three or four tweets about a topic, from which he chooses his favourite and edits to his liking to send out to his 52 million followers.

Some have even become so good at it that computer algorithms are having trouble differentiating between the messages written by his communications team and the real thing.

“They’ve gotten increasingly sophisticated about mimicking him online,” Andrew McGill, the creator of Twitter account @TrumpOrNotBot said.

At least we now know why the White House seems to struggle to come up with intelligible policies – they’re too busy trying to craft the perfect poorly written tweet.

Lauren is a journalist for, agedcare101 and The Donaldson Sisters. Growing up in a big family in small town communities, she has always had a love for the written word, joining her local library at the age of six months. With over eight years' experience in writing and editing, she is a keen follower of news and current affairs with a nose for a good story.

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