The conversations of life

Only in America: Trump’s lawyer says “truth isn’t truth” – as the President’s former lawyer and campaign manager are found guilty of financial crimes


Appearing on NBC’s Meet The Press this week, Rudy Giuliani stated that the US President won’t be rushed in to give evidence to special counsel Robert Mueller as part of his investigation into Russian hacking of the 2016 US election – because he doesn’t want Trump to get “trapped into perjury” if he testifies as “truth isn’t truth”.

Watch the clip here – the reporter can hardly keep a straight face.

The head of Trump’s legal team quickly backpedalled on the comment the following day, saying that he was only trying to say that different people can offer different accounts of what happened in any given situation.

The new ‘alternative facts’?

“My statement [referred]to the situation where two people make precisely contradictory statements, the classic ‘he said, she said’ puzzle,” he posted on Twitter. “Sometimes further inquiry can reveal the truth other times it doesn’t.”

Giuliani says Mueller’s effort to talk to Trump is a sign that prosecutors are “desperate for some kind of charge they can hang their hat on.”

Considering the President’s long-time personal lawyer Michael Cohen and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort have just been found guilty of a number of financial charges – with Cohen implicating Trump in the illegal payment of ‘hush money’ – we’d say that they sense blood in the water.

Trump has his own take on the Mueller investigation

Lauren is a journalist for, agedcare101 and The Donaldson Sisters. Growing up in a big family in small town communities, she has always had a love for the written word, joining her local library at the age of six months. With over eight years' experience in writing and editing, she is a keen follower of news and current affairs with a nose for a good story.

Discussion1 Comment

  1. More fake news. This article is neither polite relevant or respectful. Its regurgitated Trump hatred again.
    Trump paying hush money for supposed affairs is not illegal. He has done it before he even ran for President, as have many high profile people, rather than go through the costly, lengthy legal proceedings to clear your name. The facts are;
    a) No law has been breached.
    b) There is no blood in the water
    c) Neither Cohen or Manafort cases have anything to do with obstruction or fake Russian collusion.
    After two years of trying to stage a coup (ignored by our socialist media masters) against an elected president they have NOTHING. Nothing except a compliant MSM who have done everything possible to protect their globalist masters, once the Clinton crime family lost the unloseable election.
    However, to the immoral corrupt MSM and its sycophants, it seems to be fine to ignore the Clinton paid for Russian dossier that started this whole fake narrative and now proven fake FISA warrants. Or the Uranium One deal that Billy Clinton got paid $500 000 for an speech in Russia by the bank cartel that pulled the deal to sell a 35% stake in American Uranium.
    But to research that would just be too hard…. for the fake news commentators. It doesn’t matter how corrupt the USA deep state are, or how many have now been sacked or demoted for corrupt behaviour. As long as they hate Trump they get a free pass. A lazy regurgitated Trump hating nonfactual hit piece.
    I would venture to say that with the 30 000 sealed indictments coming down soon there is going to be lots of egg on face for many media commentators

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