The conversations of life

Only in America: Trump’s daughter criticised for ‘unwanted’ presence among world leaders at the G20 Summit


Ivanka Trump (pictured centre), the President’s eldest daughter, has been the focus of social media outrage this week – with many claiming that her presence at the Summit was a bizarre result of nepotism.

While Trump has named his daughter his ‘advisor’, Ivanka Trump doesn’t have any official qualifications to serve as a diplomat – not to mention that she hasn’t been confirmed by US congress for a government role.

But this 19-second video of Ms Trump inserting herself into a conversation of international leaders, (including exiting British Prime Minister, Theresa May, and French President, Emmanuel Macron) quickly went viral, leading many to ask how the President’s daughter gained access to such an exclusive and political event.

The conversation even got its own hashtag (#UnwantedIvanka) which has flooded the Internet with photoshopped images of the First Daughter in famous historical moments – including the moon landing, the meeting of former President Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley, and the Queen’s wedding day (pictured inset).

We’re not sure Ivanka will be getting an invite to the 2020 Summit.

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