The conversations of life

Only in America: Trump tweets doctored photo of himself awarding war medal – to dog


The US President made headlines this week after tweeting a doctored image of himself awarding a medal of honour to the military dog involved in the deadly raid on ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi this week.

The original photograph shows Trump awarding the medal of honour in 2017 to James McCloughan, a retired army medic who was honoured for saving the lives of 10 people during the Vietnam war.

But in the photo Trump posted on Thursday, McCloughan’s head is swapped for the head of the dog, with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

The medal of honour is the most significant military decoration awarded to US service members for extraordinary acts of valour – with many people suggesting it was a disrespectful move.

Mr McCloughan was reportedly not put off by Trump’s image though, laughing when he saw it.

As for whether this is what Trump was after, the jury is out.

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