The conversations of life

Only in America: Trump team holds press conference at the Four Seasons – landscaping centre


According to the polls and the media, former Vice President, now President Elect, Joe Biden won the election last week, but if you thought his opponent was going to be as gracious in defeat as his predecessors, you would be sorely mistaken.

The Trump campaign is going out swinging, launching wild, unproven claims of electoral fraud culminating in a stream of lawsuits.

But it hasn’t gone smoothly, as evidenced by a press conference held by Trump’s lawyer, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

For some reason, Giuliani’s press conference took place at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, a landscaping business located in Philadelphia.

Donald Trump had announced the press conference would be held at the somewhat more prestigious Four Seasons Hotel, located just across town.

The press conference went ahead anyway, in the shadow of an adult shop and crematorium nearby, but it was a bizarre look in what has been one of the most memorable campaigns in memory.

With Trump set to remain in the White House until the 21 January next year, odds are there will be a few more interesting stories like this before his time in the Oval Office is through.

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