The conversations of life

Only in America: Trump struggles to spell his own name correctly


US Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has jumped on Donald Trump’s latest gaff – the president’s inability to spell his own name correctly.

Mr Trump apparently took to Twitter earlier this week to spew vitriol and misinformation.  He talked about a meeting with Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, and rambled about “Crooked Hillary” and election interference.

He then ended his tweetstorm by claiming that Google “boosted negative stories about ‘Donald Ttump’, misspelling his own name.

Even though it was probably a typo, the talk show host wasn’t going to let it go. In fact, he called the error history making.

Maybe he should call it Ttitter, but when your fingers are covered in dipping sauce, that happens,” the host quipped.

Of course, everyone makes typos, but in Mr Trump’s case it’s just the latest example of a complete lack of attention to detail and he casually and will-nilly blasts out tweets to his millions of followers.

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