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Only in America: Trump and Melania mingle in crowd without masks at RNC


The US seems like the last place in the world you’d want to be ignoring social distancing restrictions right now.

So, it was a little odd to see President Trump and the First Lady Melania mingling near supporters with no facial coverings at the National Republican Convention this week.

Masks have been few and far between at the event in Charlotte, North Carolina, especially during the more high-profile moments.

This is in stark contrast to last week’s Democratic National Conference, where Joe Biden and his wife Jill put on masks to wave to supporters in the parking lot outside.

The to-mask or not-to-mask debate looks like it’s going to be a big issue going into this year’s US elections.

Biden has said this month that he believes all US governors should mandate mask wearing, a suggestion the US President has rejected.

“We do not need to bring the full weight of the federal government down on law abiding Americans to accomplish this goal,” Trump said at a White House news conference.

“Americans must have their freedoms.”

Freedom is a big deal in the US. But when your country has over 5,700,000 cases and counting, why would you want to take any risks?

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