The conversations of life

Only in America: ‘Super spreader’ billboard not enough to deter Trump supporters at rally


US President Donald Trump is back on the campaign trail after getting the all clear from doctors.

But if you thought his brush with COVID-19 would herald a more-cautious approach from the President in regards to public events, you’d be sorely mistaken.

After a rally in Florida on Monday, Trump headed to Des Moines airport in Iowa where he addressed a packed house, joking that he felt healthy enough to “kiss” the people in the audience.

“I could come down and start kissing everybody,” he said.

“I’ll kiss every guy. Man and woman. Look at that guy, how handsome he is. I’ll kiss him. Not with a lot of enjoyment but that’s OK.”

Before the event, a group of Iowa farmers had erected a billboard (pictured above) directly opposite the hanger where the rally was held – but this wasn’t enough to deter attendees.

All this, less than three weeks to go until the election.

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