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Only in America: Mueller report finally released – Trump in the clear. Or is he?


You might remember from our previous story on the report by US lawyer Robert Mueller that he found the US President ‘did not collude’ with Russia to influence the 2016 election – but didn’t make a call on whether he had ‘obstructed justice’.

Now the final 448-page report has been released to the public – and the Democrats still aren’t accepting there was no obstruction.

The report found:

  • Trump tried to have Mueller fired over “conflicts of interest” in 2017
  • There was “substantial evidence” that Trump also fired FBI Director, James Comey, because he wouldn’t publicly say that the President “was not personally under investigation”
  • Trump made several requests to find deleted Hillary Clinton emails, which he was aware were illegally obtained by Russian hackers

Despite all this, the Mueller investigation’s lawyers found there wasn’t enough evidence to support criminal charges against the President – and Republicans are saying that should be the end of it.

But Democrats say the report outlines “substantial evidence” that Trump engaged in obstruction and other abuses – and they control the House which has the power to launch impeachment proceedings against the President.

So, will it happen? That’s up to Congress – which doesn’t exactly have a reputation for making decisions quickly…


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