The conversations of life

On-site pharmacists can dramatically boost aged care resident health


You might take a quick trip to the chemist for granted… but for many aged care residents, finding a good pharmacist can be vital.

A new study by the University of South Australia (UniSA), funded by the Federal Department of Health, has found that aged care residents who are able to frequently see a pharmacist have better health outcomes and fewer problems with medications.

The study, which involved 248 aged-care residents at 39 aged care facilities in South Australia and Tasmania, saw pharmacists meet with residents every eight weeks for 12 months to record new illnesses and conditions, monitor adverse effects and symptoms, review medication where necessary, and assess cognitive and physical health.

Over the course of the year, 60 per cent of residents were found to have problems with their medicines, 309 recommendations were made to change medications or monitor with a view to change, and around two thirds were advised to reduce their medicine use; in addition, residents monitored by pharmacists were less likely to suffer negative cognitive effects.

These findings are important, as the cost of medication-related harm – more than half of which is preventable – exceeds $40 billion per year, and between five and 20 per cent of aged care residents experience an adverse medicine event every month.

Aged care residents need more pharmacist support

According to UniSA Professor Libby Roughead, this study shows more pharmacists are desperately needed in the aged care sector.

“Medicines are the most prescribed health intervention for older people, yet they’re also the catalyst for concern for many aged-care residents.

“People living in aged care homes rely on the support and care they receive yet previously, residents have only received a medication review every two years or earlier if required. Our research highlights the need for personalised and continuing support by pharmacists more frequently,” she said.

Professor Roughead welcomed the Morrison Government’s announcement of more funding for pharmacists in Government aged care homes from next year, and says the pharmacists need to focus on reducing harm from medicines.

“It’s important to realise that the new on-site pharmacists will not only need to monitor and review medications, but also be able to recognise the early onset of medicine-induced deterioration, such as changes in a person’s cognition or activity, so as to prevent harms such as injurious falls or delirium.

“More comprehensive support will not only avoid the many medicine-induced health issues currently experienced by aged-care residents but may also help in preventing frailty and declining cognition,” she said.

Here’s hoping that aged care residents can get the pharmacists they need, whoever wins next week.

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