The conversations of life

Oh no…. it’s the Dad jokes!


Dad jokes are really lame jokes which are so bad, every time you hear one you groan.

Sometimes, if you say a really ‘good’ Dad joke, you get things thrown at you.

If you’re a Dad or a Grandad – then Dad jokes are basically expected of you. But you could be someone who just appreciates the true lameness of Dad jokes. Watch out though – when you read these, you could start wanting to throw things…

  • You don’t see many exit signs these days do you – they’re on the way out.
  • I once went to a surgeon who was a part time comedian. He had me in stitches.
  • I was typing in a new password the other day and so I put in: Beef stew. The computer came back and said, “Sorry, not stroganoff.”
  • I went to the Doctor and told her: “I think I have five legs.” She said: “Oh my!…how do your pants fit? I said: “Like a glove.
  • I went to the Doctor and told him I was sneezing strawberries. He told me he had cream for that!
  • A glue tanker overturned on the highway yesterday…Boy, was I was stuck in traffic.
  • Have you ever tried to eat a clock? It’s very time consuming…
  • People who take Helium on a regular basis speak very highly of it.
  • A Boeing 747 (four-engine plane) is flying through the sky when suddenly the number one engine fails. The captain says: “Good morning ladies and gentleman. We have had an engine failure and we will be delayed by 10 minutes.” Then number two engine fails and the captain says: “Sorry ladies and gentleman, we will be delayed by 20 minutes.” Then number three engine fails and the caption says: “We will be delayed by 30 minutes.” Then a passenger says: “Well, if we lose the next engine, we’ll be up here all day.”

Frank and Earnest love to have conversations about the things that matter in life to most people but especially to those of us with a few years behind us. We start some conversations, we pick up others, we share stories and ideas and try to stimulate thinking.

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