The conversations of life

Nun and world’s second oldest person beat COVID-19 and celebrated her 117th birthday


Sometimes you just have to have a little faith.

A 117-year-old blind nun from France, who’s confined to a wheelchair, celebrated her 117th birthday after surviving a bout of COVID-19, which has wreaked havoc on the world’s elderly.

Lucile Randon, now known as Sister Andre and the world’s second oldest person, caught the deadly virus in January but amazingly within three weeks she had been given the all clear, The Associated Press reported.

Sister Andre told the publication she didn’t even realise she had COVID-19 until returning a positive test.

The first thing Sister Andre did after being given the all clear by doctors was attend mass, most likely to count her blessings and thank God.

Adam is an experienced journalist who worked across a range of print and digital media before joining the DCM Group. He covered an extensive series of topics in his past roles and now provides editorial support for the DCM Group’s mastheads.

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