The conversations of life

New Zealand woman found smuggling almost 1,000 cacti and succulents – strapped to her body


An Auckland woman has found herself in a prickly situation after trying to smuggle succulents and endangered cacti into New Zealand.

Wenqing (Wendy) Li, 38, will be subject to 12 months of ‘intensive supervision’ and has to complete 100 hours of community service after trying to smuggle 947 succulents and cacti through Auckland Airport.

Li, a seller and trader of plants on TradeMe, was flying back to New Zealand from China in March, 2019 (pre-COVID), with the fauna strapped to her body inside stockings (presumably to protect from prickles).

The plants included eight endangered and threatened species and were worth more than $10,000.

A sniffer dog became suspicious of Li who attempted to destroy the evidence in an airport toilet, with no success.

But it didn’t deter the would-be plant smuggler.

Just four months later in July 2019, Li was caught with 142 unauthorised seeds hidden in commercially packaged iPad covers in her luggage, and over 200 plant pots and garden ornaments (how big was the suitcase?)

The 38-year-old pleaded guilty to charges relating to biosecurity laws and was sentenced in the Manukau District Court on 2 February.

Adam is an experienced journalist who worked across a range of print and digital media before joining the DCM Group. He covered an extensive series of topics in his past roles and now provides editorial support for the DCM Group’s mastheads.

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