The conversations of life

New research paper predicts one million Australians will have dementia by 2056


This is scary!

A new study from the University of Melbourne has predicted that by 2056 more than one million Australians will suffer from dementia.

Dr Terence Chong (pictured), a psychiatrist and Senior Research Fellow at the University told News GP that dementia was already the largest cause of disability in Australia and has called for a prevention plan.

More than 1.6 million Australians are already involved in caring for a person with dementia and with cases set to rise concerns have also been laid out about carer numbers.

Some of the largest risk factors associated with dementia include inactivity (17.9%), mid-life obesity (17%) and depression (8%).

The prevention plan could include preventive measures such as eating healthy and a more active lifestyle were possible.

Dr Chong has recommended a host of prevention options including public health guidelines, better equipped primary carers, more funding for research and mobilising peak health advocacy groups.

It sounds like a good plan to us.

Adam is an experienced journalist who worked across a range of print and digital media before joining the DCM Group. He covered an extensive series of topics in his past roles and now provides editorial support for the DCM Group’s mastheads.

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