The conversations of life

Need to talk to someone? There is now free telehealth counselling available for all aged care residents, staff and their families


The Swinburne Wellbeing Clinic for Older Adults is offering the free service to all aged care residents, their family members and aged care staff in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions it has put on older Australians.

The service is designed to help people deal with feelings of isolation, down moods, worries and general anxieties and is completely confidential.

Callers will be greeted by provisionally registered psychologists, social work interns, and counselling postgraduates, who are supervised by experienced practitioners.

Both phone and video-based consultations are available during the operating hours which are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

However, the service is not equipped or available to address emergency situations.

The service also provides ongoing support with no referral from a GP required and is supported by Aged Persons Welfare Foundation and The Barbara Dicker Brain Science Foundation.

To access the service, you only need to complete and submit the online referral form.

Adam is an experienced journalist who worked across a range of print and digital media before joining the DCM Group. He covered an extensive series of topics in his past roles and now provides editorial support for the DCM Group’s mastheads.

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