Yes, this is what all our technological advancement has come to.
Domino’s is launching a new AI-powered pizza checker (pictured inset) that will automatically scan pizzas for correct distribution of toppings, cheese levels (very important), and whether the pizza generally looks appetising – to make sure it’s of a top-notch standard.
The rollout of this new system has been in development for two years as a response to what Domino’s says is the most common complaint the company receives: “my pizza doesn’t look like it should”.
A strange move, perhaps – but not the most bizarre from Domino’s in recent years.
In 2018, the company ran a campaign in Russia offering 100 free pizzas a year for a century to anyone who got a tattoo of their logo on their body (and it backfired spectacularly). And in 2017, they launched the first-ever Domino’s wedding gift registry in the US.
You can’t say they don’t care about their customers.