Proof that you really do turn into your parents? New research has shown the number of romantic relationships you have in your lifetime often closely mirrors your mother’s dating history.
Ohio University followed over 7,000 mothers and their biological children for nearly 25 years. Looking at their marriages and divorces, as well cohabiting relationships and break-ups, they found that for every extra relationship a mother has, the number of partners that her children has jumped by six per cent.
The researchers had initially thought that the financial side of a parents’ break-up could affect people’s relationships, but this wasn’t the case.
For better or worse
Rather the study showed children tended to learn behaviours from their mothers as they grow up and then apply these to their own relationships – for better or worse.
Maybe it’s not such a surprise – previous research has already shown that children of divorce are also more likely to divorce. This definitely takes it to a new level though.
So, if you can’t hold down a relationship, it’s time to blame your mum – if you haven’t already.