The conversations of life

Bad news! Study debunks myth that alcohol order affects your hangover


 Yes, this is a genuine scientific study.

The German and British (naturally) researchers split a group of 90 volunteers into three groups. The first drank 1.4 litres of beer followed by four large glasses of white wine, while the second had the same in reverse order, and the third drank only wine or beer to the same breath alcohol concentration. A week later, the groups repeated the process but switched drink orders.

After a glass of water before bed and a night under medical supervision, the groggy-headed participants scored their hangovers by ranking the major nasty symptoms: thirst, fatigue, headache and nausea.

Beer before wine, you won’t be fine

The results, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that the order of drinks had “no impact on hangover intensity.”

“The truth is that drinking too much of any alcoholic drink is likely to result in a hangover,” said study author Jöran Köchling.

Looks like drinking responsibly is the only sure-fire way to avoid a hangover (sigh). Not quite the result we were hoping for.

With a background in nursing, Annie has spent over 20 years working in the health industry, including the coordination of medical support for international TV productions and major stadium events, plus education campaigns with a number of national health organisations. In recent years, she has also taken time out of the workforce to be a full-time carer, giving her first-hand experience of the challenges and rewards of this role.

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