The conversations of life

Flu deaths in aged care: more needed than compulsory vaccinations for aged care workers


Like many this week, we’ve been saddened by the news of a number of influenza-related deaths in aged care homes around the country.

With mandatory vaccinations for aged care workers now being promised by the Federal Government, we thought we’d look at some of the facts around flu and the elderly.

Many aged care providers do actually provide free or subsidised immunisation programs for their staff.

The flu virus also mutates every year which is why people need to be immunised on an annual basis.

But Australian research estimates the flu shot still only reduces your risk of contracting the flu between 40 to 50 per cent.

The elderly are at particular risk even if they have been vaccinated. At the Tasmanian aged care home where six deaths were reported, 95 per cent of residents had been vaccinated against Influenza A. Despite this, 31 still caught the virus.

Elderly more susceptible to flu virus

Older people also have more chronic conditions that put them at more risk of developing complications from the flu. It’s why annual flu vaccinations are free for people aged 65 and over.

In the case of the eight residents who passed away at the Victorian retirement village, all of them had pre-existing medical conditions – making them more vulnerable.

We think it’s a wake-up call for everyone – not just those who work with the elderly.

If you do have a family member or friend in aged care or are caring for an older parent, it’s worth getting a vaccination and taking other preventative measures such as not visiting if you’re feeling unwell.

Doctors are now pushing for flu shots to be made free of charge for everyone. It’s not a bad idea – but we also need to raise awareness of the importance of being vaccinated.

While researching this story, I was shocked to learn that up to 3.8 million Australian adults who are entitled to free vaccinations have not had them.

Greater awareness would go a long way to helping protect the most vulnerable in our community.

To see what vaccinations you should have, see the story further down.

A practising aged care physiotherapist for the past 13 years, Jill has worked in more than 50 metropolitan and regional aged care homes. She has also toured care facilities across the US and Africa. She is a passionate advocate for both the residents in aged care and the staff that serve them.

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