Former dance teacher Kay Travis from Sheffield in the UK says a tipple of Scotch every night is the reason for her longevity, labelling it ‘good medicine’.
“Mum is definitely not an alcoholic,” 77-year-old son Jon jokes, “but she’s been drinking whisky every day for the last 15 years or so. In fairness she’ll have a tot of whatever whisky she can get hold of to be honest.”
The great-grandmother has always cooked her own food, although because of arthritis, she now has her meals cooked by a carer. “She occasionally does order a takeaway pizza or has fish and chips,” Jon adds.
The centenarian also still enjoys trips out for the occasional lunch with her friends and family, recently celebrating her birthday down at the local pub.
But is whisky really her secret? Jon also reveals that Kay’s mother lived until well into her 90s while her aunt passed away at 87.
We’d say this – and maintaining that independent streak – may have more to do with it.