The conversations of life

The key to better sex? Feeling young at heart, this study says


The closer you feel to your actual age, the less likely you are to be satisfied with your sex life, according to a new UK study.

The University of Waterloo looked at the sex and ageing attitudes of 1,170 adults aged from their mid-40s to their mid-70s over a decade.

The result? The younger people felt, the better the quality of their sex life and the more interest they had in sex.

“While feeling younger didn’t have an impact on how much sex people were having, it was quite clear that feeling older does impact the quality of the sex you’re having,” lead author Amy Estill said.

So the message: don’t let your age stop you from enjoying life – especially in the bedroom.

Act your age – or not

It’s an attitude reflected by eight centenarians recently interviewed on an episode of the ABC television series ‘You Can’t Ask That’.

The series asked the participants a series of curly questions about getting older – including when they last had sex.

“I don’t know … I don’t keep a record,” 102-year-old Alf Jarvis, said, before adding: “Six months ago, but I’ve broken down – that’s the only reason I ceased.”

Other interviewees were similarly ‘active’ – and enjoying it – well into their nineties.

Professor David Goodall, also 102, revealed he was having sex up until four years ago.

Meanwhile, Eileen Kramer, 102, said her last time had been with her second husband before he died: “Actually the day before. He wasn’t sick all the time – he just suddenly had a heart attack.”

It just goes to show – being young at heart really does have its benefits.

You can watch the episode of ‘You Can’t Ask That: Centenarians’ here.

With a background in nursing, Annie has spent over 20 years working in the health industry, including the coordination of medical support for international TV productions and major stadium events, plus education campaigns with a number of national health organisations. In recent years, she has also taken time out of the workforce to be a full-time carer, giving her first-hand experience of the challenges and rewards of this role.

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