The conversations of life

New invention for trucks improves safety for cars overtaking


Have you ever crept along a single carriage-way or single lane road behind a massive semi-trailer, unable to see around it or sufficiently far ahead to take the risk of overtaking? 

This piece of technology was developed by the electronics company, Samsung, in Argentina where they say almost one person dies in a traffic accident every hour, 80 per cent of them on roads.  As Argentina has a massive number of one lane roads, many accidents occur while overtaking.  This is a solution that can make a big difference for cars when overtaking trucks.  Take a look.

It’s an advertisement at the end of the day, but it’s a worthy product.

There are some quite amazing innovations in road safety and traffic management coming along.  Have you heard about ‘smart highways’ or solar roads? Just two smart roads of the future!

Meanwhile, watch this video to see how safety can be improved when overtaking trucks:

Frank and Earnest love to have conversations about the things that matter in life to most people but especially to those of us with a few years behind us. We start some conversations, we pick up others, we share stories and ideas and try to stimulate thinking.

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