The conversations of life

Tasmanian school rocked by (fake) meteor strike


Most children probably secretly (or not-so-secretly) wish their school would be hit by a meteorite – and for students at one Tasmanian school, that dream came tantalisingly close to reality.

Students at Corpus Christi Catholic School in Bellerive, Hobart, probably jumped for joy when they saw the school’s Facebook announcement this week:

“Breaking news. A meteorite has struck the front of our school. The authorities are here. Please stay clear of the area while they conduct their investigations. #discoveryday”

Unfortunately for kids wanting a day off, the “meteorite” and its smoking impact crater weren’t real – instead, teachers at the school had put their heads together with local authorities and earthworks to give the students an educational surprise, said deputy principal Ben Morgan.

“We held a staff meeting and decided we wanted to hold a discovery day around science, maths and measurement in the last week of term. Our staff put their heads together and came up with the idea,” he told the ABC.

“It was good timing because the asphalt out the front of the school was getting replaced in the holidays, so we saw that as an opportunity.”

Good to know it was just a stunt, and not the asteroids’ revenge for crashing a spaceship into their friend this week.

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