The conversations of life

Only in America: Bumblefooted penguin gets stylish new shoes


An African penguin at San Diego Zoo has been given some truly “happy feet”, thanks to a brand-new pair of custom-made orthopaedic shoes.

Lucas, who suffers from bumblefoot – a condition as debilitating and painful as its name is adorable – was fitted with the neoprene and rubber shoes from veterinary mobility aid company Thera-Paw to stop pressure sores forming on his feet and ankles as a result of his poor gait after suffering a spinal infection three years ago.

“I’ve known Lucas for a long time, so having the ability to provide him with a chance to live a normal life brings a smile to my face,” said Dr. Beth Bicknese, senior veterinarian at the San Diego Zoo.

“The boots are cushioned and Velcroed in place, so they will help Lucas to fully participate in the colony and showcase behaviours that are more typical for a penguin—such as climbing the rocks, swimming, nesting and finding a suitable mate.”

Zoo staff quickly noticed an improvement in Lucas’ gait, with the penguin now able to navigate his rocky habitat more easily and even adopt a more natural posture, said Debbie Denton, senior wildlife care specialist at the San Diego Zoo.

“We were pleasantly surprised at the immediate change in Lucas after we fitted him with his new boots. Seeing him move about now gives us hope that he may be OK going forward, and able to live a full life,” she said.

Next step for Lucas: learn to tap dance.

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