The conversations of life

Aged care top of Aussies’ funding priorities


Improving aged care quality has topped Aussies’ list of areas the Albanese Government needs to fund in its October Budget, according to a new Essential poll.

The survey reached 1,075 Australians, and found that 70 per cent ranked aged care as either “important” or “very important”, with a further 23 per cent saying it is “quite important” – higher than reducing national deficit, improving women’s safety, and transitioning to renewable energy. Just seven per cent ranked aged care as “not very” or “not at all” important.

According to Tim Hicks, General Manager Policy and Advocacy at aged care peak body Aged and Community Care Providers Association, the poll shows that fixing aged care funding isn’t just a priority for residents, clients, staff, and loved ones – it’s a priority for all Australians.

“Aged care funding is completely inadequate; it’s failing to keep pace with inflation and the cost of COVID-19 outbreaks, and it’s failing to deliver on our modern expectations of support and care.

“The reality is too many aged care facilities and home care services are at risk of closing or a reduction of services.

“It is clear that aged care workers need a significant pay rise now, but without additional support, aged care providers cannot attract more workers and realise improvements in the quality of care,” he said.

Tim urges the Federal Government to heed the message and move strongly on aged care, including increased subsidies to providers.

“The Government should seize the opportunity in the upcoming Federal Budget to address the workforce shortage crisis and provide financial support for the long-term sustainability of quality aged care facilities and at-home care programs,” he said.

The people have spoken – now here’s hoping the Government listens.

A practising aged care physiotherapist for the past 13 years, Jill has worked in more than 50 metropolitan and regional aged care homes. She has also toured care facilities across the US and Africa. She is a passionate advocate for both the residents in aged care and the staff that serve them.

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