Our sister website Villages.com.au has broken its records for new enquiries about retirement villages with 123,000 people during March.
Compared to the same time last year – as COVID hit and lockdown restrictions came in – enquiry has increased by 38%.
In total, the number of people who called a village, made an email enquiry or checked out their website grew from 17,068 in February to 17,348 in March – a 2% increase and a 30% growth on 2020.
What does this mean?
More Australians than ever before are seeing the value of living in a retirement village – or a land lease community or a serviced apartment.
That is over 17,000 people who have experienced an incident that has made them re-think their current living situation – and take a step towards changing it.
If you have also been considering making a similar move, now is the time.
There are more than 2,000 villages across Australia listed on villages.com.au – you can find them here.