The conversations of life

Raccoon attacks up 62% in Canada as people are warned to stop trying to pet and feed the wild animals during COVID lockdown


An unexpected side effect of the COVID-19 lockdown in Canada!

So much has changed over the last year but one unexpected result of the COVID-19 lockdown in Toronto, Canada, has seen racoons invading the city, with attacks up 64%.

Experts have levelled the blame squarely on residents and not the little furry creatures, The Guardian reported.

It’s believed the increased exposure to raccoons, who are growing more brazen with less people on the streets, has led to more people wanting to pet or feed them, not a good idea!

Deers, foxes and coyotes have also been seen more frequently as they move closer to the urban centres.

But no matter how cute a wild animal looks, it’s still wild, so steer clear!

Adam is an experienced journalist who worked across a range of print and digital media before joining the DCM Group. He covered an extensive series of topics in his past roles and now provides editorial support for the DCM Group’s mastheads.

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