The conversations of life

Female heart attack survivors aren’t being given the same support as their male counterparts


You may have to push your doctor for the help you really need after a heart attack.

Data from the Heart Foundation has found women are less likely to receive the same life-saving treatment as men after suffering a heart attack.

In everything from doctor’s advice (76% vs 85%) to cardiac rehabilitation referrals (39% vs 51%), women don’t receive the same level of support as men.

This lack of advice lead to more female heart attack survivors being less satisfied with the healthcare they received (44% vs. 57%) and more likely to have their mental health affected because of their heart attack (80% vs. 69%).

Female heart attack survivors were also less likely than males to say their healthcare needs were met during COVID-19 (52% vs. 64%).

These are startling figures!

To this end the Heart Foundation is calling on the Federal Government to back a national awareness campaign in the May Budget to drive home the risks of heart disease and stroke among women and the steps they can take to lower their risk.

It’s time to stand up and be heard on a seriously important issue ladies!

Adam is an experienced journalist who worked across a range of print and digital media before joining the DCM Group. He covered an extensive series of topics in his past roles and now provides editorial support for the DCM Group’s mastheads.

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