The conversations of life

NZ ‘model’ proves retirement villages are the perfect option for happier, healthier Australians


We’ve got a lot to learn from New Zealand when it comes to retirement villages, and the Royal Commission into Aged Care – due to report in just a month – might be the chance to put these lessons into practice. 

The number of Australians aged 75 years and over currently residing in a retirement village is in decline. Just 6.6% are choosing village life, compared to 7.5% a decade earlier.

But in New Zealand this number is trending in the opposite direction.

The number of New Zealanders aged 75 years and over currently in a village is now 13.5%, compared to just 8% reported back in 2008.

There are a few reasons for this.

A difference in perception

Retirement villages are seen a little differently in New Zealand when compared to Australia, not just by potential residents but by the Government.

For us, there are three differences in particular that are key. 

  1. The Government recognises and is onside with the role villages deliver
  2. New Zealand villages have identified a resident proposition that is more appealing – “We will keep you in your village home as long as we can and you don’t have to ever move out, as we provide assisted living apartments and high care on site.”
  3. The community understands and supports the village concept.

Villages perfectly placed to step in

One of the key ideas being put forward by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, which is due to release its Final Report on 26 February, is the idea that Australia needs a new retirement product that customers want.

It is age-appropriate housing that supports people to stay healthier and safer for longer. And it also needs to let them transition from independent living to care, if they choose to. 

Our thoughts?

With a few tweaks, this sounds a lot like Australia’s retirement villages. 

And that will ensure we’re all headed in the right direction. 

Chris Baynes is a columnist and publisher of Frank & Earnest. He is also the publisher of, the leading national directory of retirement villages and aged care services in Australia.

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