The conversations of life

Aussie aged care residents touring the world from the comfort of their armchairs


Travel seems like it might be off the cards for the time being at least, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t experience what the world has to offer.

Prince Court Homes aged care facility in Mildura is giving residents the chance to experience they the sights, sounds and tastes of the world without having to leave the country with their innovative armchair travel program.

Since April, residents at the north-west Victorian facility have explored Italy, Scotland, Honolulu, London, Ireland, Crete and Mexico, and they’re not slowing down any time soon!

Lifestyle coordinator Colleen Lewis acts as the tour guide.

She finds interesting videos online that showcase what the locations have to offer, staff dress up and residents are served food related to the location.

“They get to see the culture, hear the music, see what sort of food they have, see the countryside,” Ms Lewis told ABC News.

And as an added touch, the plane’s take-off and landings are projected on big screens!

“I think it made everybody so happy and I loved it. It keeps us young,” added resident Alice Griffiths.

A lovely idea – while we can’t travel, this does seem like the next best thing.

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