The conversations of life

Primary school students send letters of support to Victorian seniors in lockdown


COVID has been a tough time for all of us, but you have to spare a thought for Victorians in lockdown, and especially the aged care residents.

While this hasn’t been easy, we’ve seen some great examples of community spirit.

One of our favourites comes from the suburb of Red Cliffs, where residents at Jacaranda Village Aged Care centre have regularly been receiving letters from students at the nearby Nichols Point Primary School.

Teacher Luke Jackson spearheaded the initiative after being moved by how much the children wanted to help residents who’ve been isolated during the lockdown.

“Many of the children were not able to see their own grandparents due to COVID-19 restrictions and that got them talking about how the residents in aged care must be feeling,” he said.

“It’s been amazing to witness the empathy displayed by the students as a result of this project and now the students can’t wait to return to onsite learning, so they can collect their most recent letters from Jacaranda Village.”

The students’ letters have included artworks, jokes and questions and the residents have been penning replies.

One of the village’s residents, Hilda McKay, said the letters were a very nice surprise.

“It was quite interesting to read how different students learn today compared to when I was at school. Computers did not exist back then,” she said.

We love to see this kind of thing, and it just goes to show sometimes it’s the little actions that make a big difference.

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