The conversations of life

84-year-old golfer beats 18-year-old in tournament final, proving you’re never too old


Golf is a game when you normally want to have the lowest number possible, but a recent tournament in the US well and truly threw that idea on its head!

There were two players, 18-year-old Mackenzie Biggs and 84-year-old JoAnn Bowers, remaining in the final hole of a knockout golf tournament at Crestwicke Country Club Women’s Golf Association in Illinois in the United States.

And experience proved the victor with Bowers besting her much younger opponent in a chip off, after the two had tied for the same score on the last hole.

“I love playing with these kids. I really do,” Bowers said

Interestingly, Bowers is the association’s oldest member, and Biggs is the youngest.

Biggs definitely admired the efforts of her older adversary, “She definitely motivates me. Hearing her talk about how she works out every day and seeing she has the strength to come out and play with everyone really makes me excited.”

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – age is only a number!

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