The conversations of life

Only in America: Trump sets sights on reopening schools – despite increasing COVID-19 cases


The US President is pushing for schools to reopen their doors, even as the coronavirus pandemic continues to spiral out of control.

“We’re very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools, to get them open,” Trump said at a forum at the White House.

“It’s very important. It’s very important for our country. It’s very important for the well-being of the student and the parents. So, we’re going to be putting a lot of pressure on: Open your schools in the fall.”

Trump contends other countries have been able to resume class, saying, “schools in Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, along with many other countries” were “open with no problems.”

But this stance has been criticised by many who argue there has been a substantial difference in approach to the virus from country to country.

“We took the initial hit to our economy and the hard blows, and now we are seeing the benefits with things like the reopening of schools, so that’s where the comparison is wrong,” Danish teacher Niels Larsen told NBC News.

The President is refusing to back down however and has reportedly threatened to cut off funding for schools who do not reopen.

With cases continuing to spike in the US to three million at last count, it seems at best a tad premature.

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