The conversations of life

Did you know you can now adopt a healthcare worker?


The scheme is aiming to support frontline healthcare workers including doctors, nurses, admin and support staff fighting COVID-19 by asking members of the community to check in on their ‘adoptee’.

The first Facebook group started in Western Australia last month and has so far created an impressive following of more than 55,000 people with groups now across most states and territories.

“Find out what will help them to function,” founder Chris Nicholas. “Do they need you to prepare some meals they can freeze? Do they need you to pick up or look after their kids? Even if it’s on the one day they get off, so they can catch up on some sleep! Do they need a shoulder to cry on? Someone to scrub their shower because it hasn’t been done in a month?”

We think it’s a great initiative to help out our hard-working healthcare staff – and we’d love to see a similar scheme for our aged care staff who are also on the frontline of this crisis.

If you know of anyone who is running a support campaign, please let us know and we will spread the word here.

Frank and Earnest love to have conversations about the things that matter in life to most people but especially to those of us with a few years behind us. We start some conversations, we pick up others, we share stories and ideas and try to stimulate thinking.

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