The conversations of life

Only in America: and now the UK!​


US President Donald Trump and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson are probably ‘hanging out’ for Friday after the week they’ve had.

President Trump is facing impeachment, (where a legislative body levels charges against a government official) after he admitted to trying to influence the Ukrainian President to investigate former Vice-President (and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate frontrunner) Joe Biden.

Prime Minister Johnson is accused of lying to the Queen about his right to prorogue Parliament (close Parliament down).

Mr Trump is the third US President to be impeached. Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1974 and Bill Clinton in 1988 – both were later acquitted.

For Boris Johnson, the big question is – did he commit treason (disloyalty to the Crown)?

Apart from both men being in positions of responsibility and have, shall we say, ‘slightly off-the-wall’ personalities, there’s no getting away from the fact, they’re both in big trouble.

It will be interesting to see if either of them can wriggle out of the mess they’re in or whether history will be made on the impeachment/treason front.

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