The conversations of life

Australian laws you will never believe


There are some odd laws out there but there are some even ‘odder’ ones I bet you didn’t know exist.

For instance, did you know that if you ride up to your local pub on a horse the pub owner is obliged by law to stable, water and feed your horse while you go in for pint.

Some laws make sense at the time they are enacted but as society changes they might not fit with the current times. Below are eight of some of the weirdest Australian laws that still exist today.

1. When in drought don’t try to make man-made rain clouds

Apparently Victoria doesn’t want people taking the weather into their own hands. Under the Rain Making Control Act of 1967 it’s against the law to make rain clouds.

2. Gold Coast bikinis must not exceed more than six square inches of material

If you want to show a little more flesh than what is allowed on Brighton Beach, try going to the Gold Coast.

3. Only qualified electricians can change a light bulb in Victoria.

Electricians could make a nice little side income if everyone followed this law in Victoria.

4. Stay away from a house frequented by thieves. It could get you in trouble with police in Victoria.

As the old saying goes you are judged by the company you keep. According to the Vagrancy Act of 1966, the penalty for being near or inside a house used by thieves is one year imprisonment.

5. When there is no urinal nearby you are allowed to urinate on the rear left tire of your vehicle

6. Fortune telling is against the law

You’d better think twice the next time you want to go and get your palm read. Under Sect 13 of the Vagrancy Act 1966, any person who pretends or professes to tell fortunes using palmistry or any other kind of witchcraft to discover the location of lost or stolen goods may be found guilty of an offence.

7. Don’t wear hot pink pants after 12pm on Sundays

Just in case you wanted to time warp back to the seventies forget it. According to Victorian law you can wear hot pink pants Monday to Saturday, but not Sundays.

8. It’s against the law to touch electric wires that cause death

According to this law it’s ok to get a bit singed by electric wires just make sure they don’t electrocute you to death. Otherwise you could get fined $200.

Only in Australia.

Lauren is a journalist for, agedcare101 and The Donaldson Sisters. Growing up in a big family in small town communities, she has always had a love for the written word, joining her local library at the age of six months. With over eight years' experience in writing and editing, she is a keen follower of news and current affairs with a nose for a good story.

Discussion2 Comments

  1. Interesting information. Would like to encourage discussion on the issue of Stamp Duty as it affects Single women and particularly SINGLE WOMEN ON PENSIONS, arguably, there are more women in this age group and
    the facts of economic disadvantage is well documented : lower earnings, continuity of employment, family responsibilities, lower or non existing Super, etcetera.
    Victoria imposes the highest charges by far and exemptions/discounts are seriously restricted.

    Can we join forces and improve the situation ? The Grattan Institute proposes alternative Land Tax

  2. 1… unless you have a license. Which you may obtain under the act.

    Anecdotally only one company has had one, and that an overseas owned one.

    Not anecdotally, any documents that pertain to licensing with regards to the 1967 act and should be available as per FOI, have been removed.

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