The conversations of life

Researchers aim to create AI companion for lonely seniors


We all feel lonely from time to time so wouldn’t it be great if we had a little digital friend to cheer us up?

Scientists at the University of Alberta are working toward a digital chatbot that can carry a conversation and express emotion in its responses.

Loneliness and isolation are common amongst the elderly and the possibility of providing artificially intelligent companions to seniors might well be an answer.

Whilst chatbots like Siri and Alexa are already looking up information for us, answering questions there’s no emotional involvement in the conversations.

Computing scientist Osmar Zaiane, says,

We imagine a device that’s emotionally intelligent, where an elderly person can say, ‘I’m tired’ or ‘It’s beautiful outside,’ or tell a story about their day – and receive a response that carries on the conversation and keeps them engaged.”

However, he noted that some emotions were easier to detect than others, like surprise and love but it was a step in the right direction.

Mr Zaiane says he hopes the AI companion will also help care givers in assessing the health of those they care for, by collecting information on their mental well-being.

Health experts have long agreed that loneliness poses a concern for health and quality of life among older people, often leading to boredom and depression.

So, bring on that little AI companion, but until then, pop round and see someone you think might just welcome a chat and a cuppa.

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