The conversations of life

Only in America: Trump claims to make landmark deal with Mexico – backs down on tariffs


Last week, the US President said he’d struck a deal with Mexico, and the country had agreed to step up its border security to curb illegal immigration to the US.

In return, Trump said he wouldn’t go ahead with taxes he had threatened to place on all Mexican goods entering the US.

But while the President announced this as a new agreement and put the success down to his expert “deal making”, The New York Times later reported that key parts of the deal had already been agreed to by Mexico as early as December 2018 – which Trump labelled “a hit job” and “Fake News”.

Trump was keen to prove them wrong. During question time with media on Tuesday, the leader pulled a sheet of paper from his pocket and claimed it was the signed deal – but still refused to show journalists what was on it.

They were sneaky, however. One photographer even went to the effort of enhancing an image of the paper and Tweeting it (pictured inset), leading many to speculate on its details.

Among the very hard-to-read sentences appears to be something about Mexico taking “all necessary steps under the domestic law to bring the agreement into force” with “a view to ensuring that the agreement will enter into force within 45 days.”

That’s one way to get a story!

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