The conversations of life

Are you a carer for an older family member? It’s not as bad for your health as you might think


There are roughly 2.7 million unpaid care givers in Australia – and 96 per cent of them are family members of the person they care for.

Caring can take a toll on your health – it’s natural to ignore your own physical and mental issues to focus on the person you’re caring for.

But new research from the US Center on Aging and Health at The Johns Hopkins University say the idea that caring is ‘bad for your health’ has been exaggerated and is actually quite small.

Their researchers analysed 30 papers on the health of caregivers and found the ‘stress’ from their carer role explained less than one per cent of the differences in their health levels.

They hope this new research encourages more people to be open to becoming caregivers.

“Caregiving, if done right, can actually be an extremely beneficial, healthy activity that enhances your life because you’re engaging in pro-social behaviour,” said one study author.

A great point. No one can say caring isn’t a tough gig – I cared for my own mother for two years at home – but the rewards can also be many.

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