The conversations of life

Friends over partners? Men more satisfied by ‘bromances’ than romantic relationships, says new research


Don’t show this article to your partner.

The study published in Men and Masculinities (great name) revealed that young men get more emotional satisfaction out of their close, platonic friendships with other guys than they do from their female romantic partners.

Researchers surveyed a group of 30 heterosexual male college students (a very diverse sample…) who were in a relationship but reported having at least one “bromantic” friend.

Overall, the men reported feeling “less judged” by their close male friends than by their girlfriends, and also said they found it “easier to overcome conflicts” and “share emotions.”

In fact, 28 out of 30 said they’d rather discuss personal matters with their “bro” than with their partner.

“Lovers are temporary,” one study participant said during his interview. “A bromance can last a lifetime.”

Personally, I don’t mind if my partner over-shares with his mates – just as long as it’s not about me.

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