The conversations of life

Happily, ever after: 89-year-old woman finds her true love at a bus stop


Wollongong resident Jean Whittle and 86-year-old Martin quickly became great friends after Martin began visiting Jean every day in her retirement village – but Jean realised she’d fallen in love when one day Martin didn’t show up for his usual visit and it caused her to fear the worst.

It turned out that Martin had been to pick up his niece from the airport, but all Jean knew was that it scared her to think of life without him. But Martin called in later with a romantic gesture.

“He was very sweet. He pinched a red rose from someone’s garden … came and knelt down and apologised,” she told the ABC.

Before the two met, Jean had spent most of her life caring for her cousin who was living with dementia. She said despite going on a few dates over the years, she’d never found “the one.”

“Martin is the first one I’ve really loved . . . took me 88 years.”

Jean will be celebrating her 90th birthday next month with Martin by her side.

Proof it’s never too late to find love!

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