The conversations of life

14th year that Benetas is recognised as Employer of Choice for Gender Equality


The Australian Government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) has recognised not-for-profit aged care provider Benetas with an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation for its 14th consecutive year.

Benetas CEO and WGEA Pay Equity Ambassador Sandra Hills OAM said “to meet WGEA’s rigorous requirements 14 years consecutively is an incredible nod to the leadership our organisation takes to achieve gender equality and inclusion more broadly in the workplace,”

Flexible working arrangements, initiatives to build leadership capability in women and men and  paid domestic and family violence leave entitlements were important steps for Benetas to take with a female-dominated workforce in aged care according to Ms Hills.

She emphasized the importance of providing an inclusive work environment that reduces the gender pay gap, supports women and attracts men to the industry and the provision of a diverse workforce to suit a diverse ageing population.

WGEA Director Libby Lyons  said “this year, we strengthened the eligibility criteria by placing even greater emphasis on accountability, outcomes, evidence and internal reporting processes,” and she congratulated the 119 citation holders for the extra effort and commitment it had taken to meet these additional rigorous requirements.

“These industry leaders are showing other Australian businesses how to create a better and more equitable future for both women and men”  she said.

The WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation is the Government’s public recognition of an organisation’s commitment to achieve gender equality in their workplace.

Photo: Carol and Felix

A practising aged care physiotherapist for the past 13 years, Jill has worked in more than 50 metropolitan and regional aged care homes. She has also toured care facilities across the US and Africa. She is a passionate advocate for both the residents in aged care and the staff that serve them.

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